Updated Bucket List
I first published by bucket list in January of 2014 and as I continue to work on this list, I find it encouraging to review where I am from time to time. I also occasionally add some items to the list and have yet to give up on anything and remove it. To Complete: Partially […]
Heavy Travel Year
The last 5-10 years have involved a lot of travel for work, ministry and pleasure. By time it is done, 2024 may end up being my heaviest travel year yet, with over 60% of my time on the road. This much travel is not the long-term plan, especially since most of it has been for […]
Recently, I took a trip to Malawi to train pastors and ministry leaders. You can learn more here!
This has been a busy travel year, maybe my busiest yet. So far this year I have traveled for two-thirds to three-quarters of the year. Some of it has been for fun, much of it has been for work. Its always hard to be away from family and my own bed, but I am also […]
We all need hobbies, for our health and for our sanity. A while back, I listened to a leadership podcast that talked about hobbies. The person stated that hobbies are always things that cost money. Things that make money are jobs. I decided they were right. Many of the things I considered to be hobbies […]
The Best Job
I wear a lot of hats, work a lot of jobs, have a lot of titles; it’s a whole buffet of things that are a part of my life. Jesus Follower. Dad. Theologian. Social Scientist. Pastor. Professor. Author. Speaker. Consultant. Of all of those titles, my favorite by far is Dad. It is such a […]
Next book
This year I am working on my next (and fourth book), Habits of Healthy Leaders. Watch for more information later this year!
Why Orange
Its time for the semi-annual post of why orange! I often get asked why it is that I love orange so much. When I am asked, I generally offer one of a couple responses, but decided that it would be fun to write a blog about why I enjoy the color orange so much. So […]
Working Genius
I am excited to announce that I have received my certification from the Table Group as a Working Genius Facilitator. I am looking forward to using this tool to bring greater productivity, joy, efficiency and team health to businesses and other organizations. You can learn more about all of my revised offerings here.
One of my hopes is to travel to every continent in the world, except for Antartica. So far, I have visited 5 of the 6. Ironically, the one I am missing is the one that is closest to me, South America. As I reflect on the 5 I have visited, here is my ranking from […]