Whats Next?!
The New Year brings new changes for Marcus!
In October, I resigned as Senior Pastor at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Auburn, IN. It was a painful decision, but the right one. My last official day is December 31, 2019. My last day in the office is December 29, 2019. I resigned as it was the best decision for my own health and well being as well as for the health and well being of my family.
After making this decision it became clear that whatever was next would require me to use my gifts in a bigger and broader sense. It also became clear that whatever I need, I needed to make sure I was continuing to help the revitalization of chruches, pour into pastors and have some connection to building the international church. This ultimately left two options, taking the non-profit I had hoped to slowly build to do part time full time or to take on another ministry role in an organization where I could do this. I decided that I needed to focus on building up the non-profit full time so that I could use my gifts in this way and have the greatest impact on the church.
The new non-profit is called Preparing for Amazement Ministries. Our mission is to revitalize and build the global church. We want to build up the church across the globe and to help chruches who are plateaued or dying and want revitalization to revitalize.
Our vision is to be the impetus in the revitalization and rebirth of the global church through training, resourcing and intentional learning experiences for Christian, empowering them to serve their communities around the world. Our ministry includes three primary elements:
- To provide training for churches, pastors and leaders in areas around the world where poverty prevents them from receiving quality training.
- To create international internships and learning experiences for churches and their leaders to learn from others around the globe.
- To provide resources and training to assist churches in revitalization.
Please be praying for me in this new adventure and we encourage you to check out the ministry (www.amazed15.org) and follow us on social media.
Ultimately, my only real goals in life are to love Jesus and my family, make as big of a difference as I can while I am alive and find a way to pay the bills while doing those things.
You can check out the video below to see my announcement. Exciting things ahead!
Much Love,