Christmas Letter
Read our Christmas letter (PDF file) here or below (without pictures).
Carlson Family Christmas Letter 2013
Greetings Friends & Family-
In our Christmas letter last year, we mentioned that we were very excited to see what 2013 would bring. Needless to say, we had no idea what 2013 would bring, and it certainly was a year that we will never forget!
The biggest development of 2013 was our big move. After a lot of prayer, thought and discernment and after a long process, we made the decision to move to Auburn, Indiana. We never imagined leaving Colorado Springs and it was certainly hard to do so, but were also thankful and excited to be coming back to Indiana. After 8 years in Colorado we had built many great connections and will miss the weather and the many people that we love, but are thankful that we can continue to stay connected. Our move occurred in July and we have enjoyed our first 5-6 months back in Indiana. We purchased a home built in 1870, an old brick farmhouse that included some modern interior remodeling. We also have a ‘barn’ type building and 9.94 acres, which includes fields, woods and a creek!
Marcus accepted a position as the Pastor/Senior Pastor of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Auburn and began his ministry there on July 1. Marcus was very thankful for his time as Associate Pastor at Bethel as well as his various roles within the Colorado Springs community, but is excited for this new ministry call. Marcus has enjoyed this new leadership role, preaching each week and getting to know his new congregation and community. Marcus continues to teach online, write for a Lutheran magazine, a seminary blog, and a variety of other stuff. He is looking forward to getting more involved in the community after he completes his doctorate. On that note, Marcus is currently in the dissertation portion of the doctoral process and hoping to graduate in June 2014. This is a lofty goal and will require a lot of work in the next 6 months, as it would be a year earlier than expected. If all goes according to plan, we look forward to traveling to California in June for graduation and will have a summer of celebration with parties for friends and family in Colorado, Indiana and in New York.
Jessica was offered two teaching jobs shortly after our move and accepted the one closest to our home. It turns out that it was one of the two closest schools to where we live, giving Marcus, Jessica and the kids each an equal 10-15 commute. Jessica is teaching sophomore English as well as one remediation class where she has had a tremendous impact already at Carroll High School in a Northwest suburb of Fort Wayne. Jessica has been adjusting to a new school and system and is really enjoying teaching. Jessica loves her new home (especially the rather large kitchen), living in the country and having lots of land for which she has many dreams. Jessica is also thankful for a new church and is helping out with various things at the church like choir, nursery and Sunday school.
Micah is now 8 years old and is in third grade. Micah was excited to move back to his birth state, but has also been sad to leave his friends in Colorado and has been adjusting to his new school. Micah loves how his new school challenges him, utilizes technology (he has an iPad mini, which the school has all elementary students either rent or buy for use in classes) and of course playing at recess. Micah found a great karate studio in Auburn and continues to do that and also played tackle football for the first time this fall (his mother is still working through that). Micah loves living in the country, is learning to drive the lawn tractor (and helps to mow) and is learning to drive Dad’s 4-wheeler utility vehicle. Micah is an acolyte at church and continues to amaze us with his brilliance and his love for reading.
Abby is six and continues to be our little princess. Abby is now in first grade and loves her teacher. Abby is doing well learning to read (also with the help of the technology at school) and is becoming a math whiz. Abby is in dance in the northern part of Fort Wayne, focusing on musical theatre, which combines her love for dance, music as well as her tendency to be dramatic. Abby loves her new pink bedroom, playing outside at her new house and her new church. Abby is making friends quickly and spends much of her time creating pictures for everyone that she meets.
Jenna & Samantha (The Dogs)
The dogs are doing well in their old age (Jenna will be 10 this year and Sam will be 12) and are glad to be back in Indiana. They have a nice little yard to run in and enjoy walks in the woods along with an occasional swim in the creek. Sam struggles with her sight and diet in her old age but is as cute and affectionate as ever. Jenna is still vocal and obnoxious but does not struggle with arthritis as much as in Colorado so she now has more energy in her older age.
Swanson, Cleo & Odie (The Cats)
Swanson continues to be his usual, friendly yet strange self. He did not like the car ride to Indiana, but loves his new home. He is still adjusting to the addition of two kittens to the Carlson family after being the only cat for over 8 years. Cleo and Odie were adopted from the shelter in November and have been a fun and adorable addition to our family.
Malani, Muffin, and Cupcake (The Chickens)
The big move included three of our chickens. After having many chickens over the past 3 years, we decided to bring three with us. They did well in the long car ride and love their new coop and all the land they get to enjoy. We will add some more to the coop this spring.
Alis, Kevin & Jose (Our El Salvadorian Kids)
Our three sponsor children in El Salvador continue to do well. We write them regularly and hope to visit them again in the future, perhaps even take Micah with us!
What a year! We look forwarding to staying connected to all of you and wish you a Merry Christmas and wonderful 2014!
Merry Christmas, The Carlson Clan (7072 County Road 17, Auburn, IN 46706) Check out our websites: &
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